Account API

Access account balance and transaction history of a customer in total security.

Which type of account can be enrolled in a TPP application?

All Belfius and Banx payment accounts can be enrolled within a TPP environment. This includes Business, Corporate and Public Segment accounts.

The PSU account is a payment account, but the account is not present in the account list?

To be eligible for PSD2, a payment account should be managed in one of the Belfius electronic channels (Belfius Mobile, Belfius Direct Net – Business, Belfius Web) or in the Banx Mobile application. If this is not the case, the account cannot be added in the TPP environment.

If the account is blocked by Belfius/Banx for compliance or other reasons, the account enrolment will also not be possible.

Also note that if the PSU blocked one of the digital channel abonnements, the account enrolment within the TPP may not be possible for security reasons. Getting account information and transaction history won’t be possible for the same reasons. The PSU should deblock its digital channel to continue enabling PSD2. The PSU can contact Belfius contact center or Belfius branches to guide them through the procedure.

Is it possible to provide an account IBAN in input for the account enrolment? Does Belfius/Banx provides a list of accounts that can be enrolled?

It is not possible to provide an account IBAN in input of the API when starting the account enrolment. The PSU should be redirected to the Belfius or Banx environment using the provided URL. Once in the Belfius or Banx environment, the PSU will be able to choose which account(s) they want to add in the TPP application.
The TPP can retrieve the list of enrolled accounts (IBAN + logical-IDs) by calling the GET /accounts API.

The PSU wants to add the payment account of a legal entity, what should be done?

If this payment account is managed in a Belfius channel, the PSU is a legal representative of the legal entity and the PSU can access this account, there are no preliminary steps to fulfil.

However, if the PSU is not a legal representative of the legal entity, the legal entity representative should activate the PSD2 possibility for this PSU. The legal entity representative can contact its relation manager to have more information on this step known as the “pre-enrolment” of a PSU for PSD2 services.

How much transaction history can be retrieved using the GET /transactions API?

The same transaction history is available using PSD2 GET /transactions API as in Belfius channels which is almost 10 years in the past. Note that transaction history also depends on when the payment account was opened at Belfius or Banx by the PSU.

Note that by default only 90 days of transaction history is available to the TPP. To access the full transaction history, PSD2 regulation foresees that the PSU perform a strong customer authentication. Please find more information on how to retrieve the full transaction history in the Flows section.

Date_from, date_to and pagesize, how does it work?

The “date_from” and “date_to” parameters should be used to retrieve the transactions only for a specific period.

When using these parameters Belfius/Banx will return only the transactions that have been executed during that period (and no others).

Note that the transactions having a date equal to the date specified in the “date_from” parameter will be included in the result. This will not be the case for the transactions having a date equal to the date specified in the “date_to” parameter.

The “pagesize” parameter (from 1 to 50) should be used to specify how many transactions should be returned by Belfius/Banx.

If there are more transactions than the value specified in the “pagesize”, Belfius/Banx will send back a “next_page_key”. This “next_page_key” should be used in the “new” GET /transactions call (in the “next” parameter) to retrieve the other transactions.

Example : if there are 220 transactions to fetch and the “pagesize” parameter is set to 50, 5 calls will be necessary to retrieve all the booked transactions.

The first 50 transactions will be returned in the initial GET /transactions call along with a “next_page_key” that should be used to retrieve the next 50 transactions.

Is the logical-ID stable?

The logical-ID is stable as long as a new account enrolment is not performed or as long as the GET /accounts is not called. Using renewal flow does not change the logical-ID.

Is the transaction_ref unique?

No, the transaction_ref that is returned for each transaction in the transaction history is not unique and could be repeated both on one single account and across different accounts. The field transaction_seqnumber was added to allow TPPs to clearly identify transactions, this transaction_seqnumber will be unique for each transaction on one account.

Will the counterparty_account always be an IBAN account?

No, we return the counterparty_account as is available to us, as is the case in our own channels. For certain transaction types this can be BBAN instead of IBAN.