API fallback

Use our fallback solution when our APIs are not available


Account balance Live

Provides the possibility to view the current or previous balance of an account.

Transaction history Live

Provides the possibility to view a list of transactions for an account and filters by date, type and recurrence

Initiate a payment Live

An easy way to initiate a payment for a customer account from a third-party application.

Cancel a payment Live

An easy way to cancel a payment initiated from a third-party application

Sign a payment Live

An easy way to sign a payment sent thru a third-party application

Upload a payment file Live

An easy way to upload a xml payment file from a third-party application

Sign a payment file Live

An easy way to sign a payment file sent thru a third-party application

Creation of standing order Live

An easy way to create a standing order from a third-party application

Cancel a standing order Live

An easy way to cancel a standing order from a third-party application

Get a payment status Live

An easy way to know the status of a payment initiated thru a third-party application

How does it work?


A Third Party Provider (TPP) registers an application with Belfius.


The TPP application redirects the customer to the secure Belfius environment where he can authenticate


The customer can use the available different features thru the TPP application

Directions for use

Access to the production system is granted only to the Third Party Provider that are authorised under the European PSD2 directive. More information.

See also

Account Information Services (AIS) Live

Use our Account Information Services (AIS) API to access account balances and transaction histories through third-party applications.

View API

Consent API Live

Use our Consent API in order to receive the required authorization code, a mandatory input in all our AIS and CAF APIs.

View API

Payment Initiation Service (PIS) Live

Use our Payment Initiation Service API to initiate (or cancel) payments via third-party applications.

View API

Confirmation on the Availability of Funds (CAF) Live

Use our Confirmation on the Availability of Funds (CAF) API to confirm whether an amount is available on a payment account via third-party applications.

View API